Simply put.

There are some days I am just so thankful I am not God. I told Eric that if there’s one thing God hasn’t gifted me, it’s compassion. I have been trying to work on that for quite some time but my train of thought here lately has been so disgusted. Placing judgment on non-believers is a no-no, but we have a right to judge the actions of our brothers and sisters in Christ. Not their heart, their actions. You cannot read the Bible and tell me that’s not in there, to hold each other accountable. I know I am far from perfect and if this blog sounds self-righteous, then I’m sorry, but that’s not my heart. My heart is wanting people to get it, to love Christ more.

I just don’t understand why so many ‘Christians’ are surface-level in their walk with Christ. Why aren’t they thirsty for wanting more? Why do they care so much about how they appear on Sundays? Why is Sunday the only day people even act holy, yet forget God the other 6 days of the week? Why do people get so caught up in the social scene at church that they start gossiping about others and start divisions? Why do people at church even form clicks, like sit on a certain side of the church because that’s where the ‘cool’ or the… ‘wealthy’ section is? I never even knew half of this stuff existed when I had started going to church. I thought it was about going for God, not other people. There’s a little known fact that if you stay at a church long enough, the dirty secrets of some people’s lives will just be thrown out there like dirty laundry.

Our hearts aren’t right, we’re not dieing to ourselves. We’re living and feeding ourselves full of unGodly trash. We’ve made church about ourselves and less about God. I’m sitting here thinking about the book “Radical” by David Platt (which is a must-read by the way) and how the American church is… I feel so discouraged. It’s not the lack of God, it’s the lack of people serving and FAITHFULLY seeking Jesus Christ. It’s the lack of renewing our minds and hearts. It’s the lack of facing our convictions and getting face first on the floor before God in humility saying “LORD YOU ARE ALL I WANT AND ALL I NEED, PLEASE KEEP CHANGING MY HEART!”. We need Jesus Christ to save us from ourselves, we are far too complacent. We don’t more, we’re fine with having little. We are our biggest enemy. Not just the world or Satan’s lies. It’s us.

AND another thing that has been bugging the poop out of me, but am I the only person getting tired of seeing Christians post pictures of themselves at bars and drinking beers? Like seriously? Where did ‘be of a sober mind’ go? It’s still in the Bible.