Drowning out God’s voice.

I just came home from church and decided I would look at Facebook like I normally do and dun dun dunnn… the deep thinking starts. I look at people’s statuses and the way they conduct themselves and it makes me think a lot about life, mainly God. So without explaining myself too much… this is my updated status that I just posted.

“Who you surround yourself with is a large part of who you’ll become. People influence us more than we realize. Being by yourself is okay believe it or not. I get that people don’t like being ‘troubled by their thoughts’, so they are constantly with friends… but you can’t keep running from your problems. You can drown out your thoughts yes, but you may also be drowning out God’s voice. How can He ever speak to you if you’re never alone? Or if you’re never sitting in silence and not distracted by your phone.

Give God time to speak to you, He can heal any pain that your heart may feel. It won’t be easy, but you never grow unless you learn to humble yourself and accept the weakness in your life for what it is.”

God bless you guys and I hope you have an awesome Sunday!